Being a mother is the best part of the life of a woman that's why I thought of creating this blog. I want to have a niche for all the wonderful feelings I have in my heart that I need to share to everyone else. And at the same time get tips from all the other mothers out there on how to become better on this 24/7 job of ours....

mother's best

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

while i am alone

hahaha,,,nice title.  I just couldn't think of a better one.  Sounds like while you were sleeping, a movie of Sandra Bullock back in the 90's.  Anyway, Sandra's not the topic I have in mind.  As the title suggests, I am alone at the moment.  Where is everybody?  Well, I haven't seen Alyanna for almost three weeks now, and Kohbe for more than a week already.  They are spending some time with my in-laws.  Tamarra, who was with them last week, is now with my mother, out there somewhere.  My sweet little ate Tamtam, who now prefers to be called Errah, cannot stand being away from me for a long time.   Dy, on the other hand, just left for work (night shift).  But even if he was here the whole day, he's as good as not around for he was asleep.

How do I spend a day without everybody?  If it's not summer, definitely, I won't really have time to think about them, because for sure, I'll be in school.  But since it's school break, I have to keep myself busy so as not to miss everyone of them.  I woke up around six, drank  a mug of coffee, did a 15-minute aerobics, then attended with the laundry.  (Oh!  We have more than a basket of soiled-clothes.)  Around 8, dy arrived.  We ate breakfast together, he went to bed and I went back to washing the clothes.

At noon, I couldn't find anything else to do.  I've finished a thousand pieces puzzle, a gift I received from a colleague, Mrs. Gloria Madlansacay. (which I promised to frame before summer ends).  I've read almost all the pocketbooks I have on the shelf but one.  A book entitled Tuesdays with Morrie, a gift from Jonathan Diesta, another colleague.  I thought it's a boring book, that's why I keep on ignoring it.  (My apologies, Jonathan.)  But since I have nothing left to do, I started browsing on it, scanning the reviews about it, and then reading it.  It's not boring after all.  In about a few minutes, I was hooked by it, especially when I read the part about Morrie's living funeral.  Oh! If not for my husband who was about to leave, I wouldn't have stopped reading it.  I promise to finish reading it until tomorrow.  And when I'm done, I'll share those greatest lessons in life the book promised to give.

Oh!  I can't wait to share it with you guys.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot Ma'am Rhea for reading "Tuesdays With Morrie"


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